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Can you ever image build a gui application like play Lego blocks? kivyblocks just try to provide programmer a tool to build a application like play lego blocks
kivyblocks base on the python package 'kivy', which is a cross platform GUI package and can play on window, linux, mac OS x, android and iphone
appPublic kivycalendar kivy ... see the requirements.txt
There is a BlocksApp(inherited from App) in kivyblocks contains a all widgets can be created by Blocks, and the Blocks creates widgets according a customized json data, the data can download from application server or local filesystem. The Customized json data has it own format to descript the UI and it's interaction. please see the "Customized json data" section for further information.
pip install git+https://github.com/yumoqing/kivyblocks
Use above command to install the newest version of kivyblocks
How to use
see the simple example below:
import sys
import os
from appPublic.folderUtils import ProgramPath
from appPublic.jsonConfig import getConfig
from kivyblocks.blocksapp import BlocksApp
from kivyblocks.blocks import Blocks
class TestApp(BlocksApp):
def build(self):
b = super(TestApp, self).build()
widget_desc = {
"text":"Say Hello",
"text":"Hello KivyBlocks"
blocks = Blocks()
x = blocks.widgetBuild(widget_desc)
return x
if __name__ == '__main__':
pp = ProgramPath()
workdir = pp
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
workdir = sys.argv[1]
config = getConfig(workdir,NS={'workdir':workdir,'ProgramPath':pp})
myapp = TestApp()
if you running it on window, it will show the following:
Build app for android please see Buildozer kivy introduct and API please see kivy