from kivy.logger import Logger from import Color, Rectangle from kivy.uix.button import ButtonBehavior from kivy.uix.image import AsyncImage from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout from kivy.uix.label import Label from kivy.uix.widget import Widget from import App from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.factory import Factory from import StringProperty, DictProperty, \ OptionProperty, ListProperty, NumericProperty, \ BooleanProperty from appPublic.dictObject import DictObject from appPublic.registerfunction import RegisterFunction from .widgetExt.scrollwidget import ScrollWidget from .utils import * from .ready import WidgetReady from .color_definitions import getColors from .baseWidget import Text, Box from .scrollpanel import ScrollPanel from .command_action import cmd_action class Toolbar(ScrollPanel): """ tool has the follow attributes { "name", "source_on, "source_off, # source_on, source_off, or "img_src", "label", "deletable" "url", "rfname", } toolbar has follow attributes { "img_size_c":image height in charecter size "text_size_c": "toolbar_orient":"H" or "V" "tool_orient":"horizontal" or "vertical" "css_on", "css_off", "tools": } """ css_on = StringProperty('default') css_off = StringProperty('default') tools = ListProperty([]) tool_orient = OptionProperty('horizontal', \ options=['horizontal', 'vertical']) toolbar_orient = OptionProperty('H', options=['H', 'V']) img_size_c = NumericProperty(2) text_size_c = NumericProperty(1) target = StringProperty(None) executable = BooleanProperty(False) def __init__(self, **kw): self.w_dic = {} SUPER(Toolbar, self, kw) self.buffer = {} self.register_event_type('on_press') self.register_event_type('on_delete_tool') if self.toolbar_orient == 'H': self._inner.orientation = 'horizontal' else: self._inner.orientation = 'vertical' self.clear_widgets() for t in self.add_tool(t) self.bar_width = 0 if self.toolbar_orient == 'H': self.do_scroll_y = False else: self.do_scroll_x = False def on_children_size(self, o, size): self.on_size(None, None) def on_size(self, o, size): if self.toolbar_orient == 'H': self.size_hint_x = 1 self.size_hint_y = None if len(self.w_dic.keys()) > 0: self.height = max([w.height for w in self.w_dic.keys()]) else: self.size_hint_x = None self.size_hint_y = 1 if len(self.w_dic.keys()) > 0: self.width = max([w.width for w in self.w_dic.keys() ]) def add_tool(self, t): label = t.get('label', t.get('name', None)) source_on = t.get('source_on', t.get('img_src',None)) source_off = t.get('source_off', t.get('img_src', None)) ToggleIconText = Factory.ToggleIconText ToggleText = Factory.ToggleText ToggleImage = Factory.ToggleImage ClickableImage = Factory.ClickableImage if label and source_on: w = ToggleIconText(css_on=self.css_on, css_off=self.css_off, text=label, size_hint = (None, None), fontsize=self.text_size_c, source_on=source_on, source_off=source_off, orientation=self.tool_orient, img_kw={ "size_hint":(None, None), "height":CSize(self.img_size_c), "width":CSize(self.img_size_c) } ) elif label: w = ToggleText(css_on=self.css_on, css_off=self.css_off, size_hint = (None, None), orientation=self.tool_orient, fontsize=CSize(self.text_size_c), text=label) elif source_on: w = ToggleImage( source_on=source_on, source_off=source_off, size_hint = (None, None), orientation=self.tool_orient, img_kw={ "size_hint":(None, None), "height":CSize(self.img_size_c), "width":CSize(self.img_size_c) } ) w.widget_id = t['name'] if t.get('deletable', False): x = ClickableImage(source=blockImage('delete.png'), size_hint=(None,None), size=CSize(1,1) ) = (w, t) x.bind(on_press=self.delete_tool) w.add_widget(x) if w: self.add_widget(w) self.w_dic[w] = t.copy() self.w_dic[w]['widget'] = w w.bind(size=self.on_children_size) w.bind(on_press=self.tool_press) w.bind(minimum_width=w.setter('width')) w.bind(minimum_height=w.setter('height')) def delete_tool(self, o): w, t = self.del_tool(w) self.dispatch('on_delete_tool', def on_delete_tool(self, o, d=None): pass def del_tool(self, w): self.remove_widget(w) self.w_dic = {k:v for k,v in self.w_dic.copy().items() \ if k != w } def on_press(self, o): pass def select(self,name): for w, v in self.w_dic.items(): if v['name'] == name: self.tool_press(w) break def tool_press(self, o): for w,v in self.w_dic.items(): if w == o: ret_v = v else: if not self.executable: self.dispatch('on_press', ret_v) return desc = self.w_dic[o].copy() if not desc.get('target'): desc['target'] = cmd_action(desc, self) class ToolPage(Box): """ ToolPage: { toolbar_size: tool_at toolbar } """ toolbar_size = NumericProperty(2) tool_at = OptionProperty('top', \ options=['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']) toolbar = DictProperty({}) def __init__(self, **kw): SUPER(ToolPage, self, kw) if self.tool_at in [ 'top','bottom']: self.orientation = 'vertical' else: self.orientation = 'horizontal' if not self.toolbar_size: self.toolbar_size = self.img_size + self.text_size + 0.3 self.content_widgets = {} self.content_w = None self.toolbar_w = None self.init() self.toolbar_w.bind(on_delete_tool=self.delete_content_widget) name = self.toolbar['tools'][0]['name'] def get_subwidgets(self): children = [ i for i in self.children] x = [ i for i in self.content_widgets.values() ] return children + x def delete_content_widget(self, o, d): w, dic = d self.del_tool(dic['name']) def add_tool(self, tool): self.toolbar_w.add_tool(tool) def del_tool(self, name): g = self.content_widgets.copy() self.content_widgets = {k:v for k,v in g.items() if k!=name} def on_size(self,obj,size): if self.content_w is None: return if self.tool_at in ['top','bottom']: self.toolbar_w.size_hint_y = None self.content_w.height = self.height - self.toolbar_w.height else: self.toolbar_w.size_hint_x = None self.content_w.width = self.width - self.toolbar_w.width def init(self): self.content_w = BoxLayout() self.content_w.widget_id = 'content' self.toolbar_w = Toolbar(**self.toolbar) if self.tool_at in ['top','left']: self.add_widget(self.toolbar_w) self.add_widget(self.content_w) else: self.add_widget(self.content_w) self.add_widget(self.toolbar_w) self.toolbar_w.bind(on_press=self.on_press_handle) def build_widget(self, url): desc = { "widgettype":"urlwidget", "options":{ "url":url } } b = Factory.Blocks() return b.widgetBuild(desc) def print_all(self): self.print_info(self) self.print_info(self.toolbar_w) for w in self.toolbar_w.w_dic.keys(): self.print_info(w) for c in w.children: self.print_info(c) self.print_info(self.content_w) for c in self.content_w.children: self.print_info(c) def print_info(self, o): print('self.size_hint=', o.__class__, o.size_hint, 'self.x,y=', o.width, o.height) def on_press_handle(self, o, v): name = v.get('name') refresh = v.get('refresh', False) # self.print_all() w = self.content_widgets.get(name) self.content_w.clear_widgets() if w and not refresh: self.content_w.add_widget(w) return url = v.get('url') if url: w = self.build_widget(url) if w: self.content_widgets[name] = w self.content_w.add_widget(w) return rfname = v.get('rfname') if rfname: rf = RegisterFunction() f = rf.get(rfname) if f: r = f() if isinstance(r,Widget): self.content_w.add_widget(r)