# gadget a light wight web server base on aiohttp ## Documentation * 中文文档请看[这里](docs/cn/index.md) * English documents is under writing ## Dependent * [ahserver](https://github.com/yumoqing/ahserver) * [sqlor](https://github.com/yumoqing/sqlor) if you want to use database * [apppublic](https://github.com/yumoqing/apppublic) ## Download ``` git clone git@github.com:yumoqing/gadget.git ``` ## Configuration please look [ahserver](https://github.com/yumoqing/ahserver) to learn how to configure ### support https under "website" in the conf/config.json file, identify ssl with "crtfile" and "keyfile" like this. ``` "website":{ "ssl":{ "crtfile":"$[workdir]$/conf/www.bsppo.com.pem", "keyfile":"$[workdir]$/conf/www.bsppo.com.key" } } ``` ### log configure In the conf/config.json, need to config log, you need to identify "name", "levelname" and "logfile" ``` "logger":{ "name":"gadget", "levelname":"debug", "logfile":"$[workdir]$/logs/gadget.log" } ``` ## Test the test folder contains everything need for a base test. please to go test folder and run ``` python ../src/gadget.py ```