626 lines
15 KiB
626 lines
15 KiB
table info:
md_metadata {
from traceback import print_exc
import codecs
import ujson as json
from sqlor.dbpools import DBPools
from sqlor.filter import DBFilter
from ahserver.baseProcessor import TemplateProcessor
from .metadata import Metadata
class CRUDEngine:
def __init__(self, processor, crud_dic:dict):
self.processor = processor
self.database = crud_dic['database']
self.table = crud_dic['table']
self.db = DBPools()
self.crud_title = ''
self.crud_dic = crud_dic
self.metadata = Metadata()
self.cmds = {
def is_legal_cmd(self, cmd:str) -> bool:
return cmd in self.cmds.keys()
def defaultcmd(self):
return 'browser'
async def render(self):
cmd = self.get_cmd()
return await self.dispatch(cmd)
async def dispatch(self, cmd:str):
f = self.cmds.get(cmd)
if f:
return await f()
return await self.build_crud()
async def get_uiattr(self, field:str) -> dict:
if not self.metadata:
return {}
id = f'{self.database}.{self.table}.{field}'
ui = await self.metadata.get_metadata_uiattr(id)
if ui:
return ui
id = field
ui = await self.metadata.get_metadata_uiattr(id)
return ui
def get_cmd(self):
path_parts = self.processor.path.split('/')
cmd = ''
cmd = path_parts[-2]
if not self.is_legal_cmd(cmd):
cmd = ''
return cmd
def cmdid(self, cmd):
crud_id = self.crud_dic.get('crud_id', '')
if cmd == '':
return f'{crud_id}_{self.database}_{self.table}'
return f'{crud_id}_{self.database}_{self.table}_{cmd}'
def cmdurl(self, cmd):
p = self._cmdurl(cmd)
return self._env('entire_url')(p)
def _cmdurl(self, cmd):
if cmd != '' and not self.is_legal_cmd(cmd):
path_parts = self.processor.path.split('/')
ocmd = self.get_cmd()
if ocmd == cmd:
if self.is_legal_cmd(path_parts[-2]):
if cmd == '':
del path_parts[-2]
return '/'.join(path_parts)
path_parts[-2] = cmd
return '/'.join(path_parts)
path_parts.insert(-1, cmd)
return '/'.join(path_parts)
def build_menu_dic(self):
return {
"target":f"root." + self.cmdid(''),
async def build_crud(self):
kw = {
kw.update(self.crud_dic.get('options', {}))
# kw['left_menu'] = self.build_menu_dic()
crud_id = self.crud_dic.get('crud_id', '')
return {
def guess_uitype(self, field):
if 'date' in field['name']:
return 'date'
length = field.get('len', 0)
datatype = field['type']
if datatype in ['int', 'long', 'integer']:
return 'int'
if datatype in ['float', 'double']:
return 'float'
if datatype == 'text':
return 'text'
if datatype == 'str' and length > 80:
return 'text'
return 'str'
def set_field_width(self, field):
factor = 0.7
length = field.get('len', 15)
datatype = field['type']
if length > 80:
length = 80
if 'date' in field['name']:
return 10 * factor
return length * factor
async def get_fields(self):
fields = []
async with self.db.sqlorContext(self.database) as sor:
info = await sor.I(self.table)
if not info:
return []
self.crud_title = info['summary'][0]['title']
fields = [{
} for i in info['fields'] ]
for f in fields:
ui = await self.get_uiattr(f['name'])
if ui:
return fields
async def build_new_data_form(self) -> dict:
build new data form dic client application needed to
constructs a add data form widget
fields = await self.get_fields()
opts = {
print('crud_dic add=', self.crud_dic['actions']['add'])
nopts = self.crud_dic['actions']['add'].get('options',{})
print(nopts, opts)
d = {
"target":'root.' + self.cmdid(''),
d = self.replace_crud_binds(d, 'add')
return d
async def build_new_data(self, *args):
ns = await self._env('request2ns')()
db = DBPools()
async with db.sqlorContext(self.database) as sor:
await sor.C(self.table, ns)
return self.message('data added')
async def build_edit_data(self, *args):
ns = await self._env('request2ns')()
db = DBPools()
async with db.sqlorContext(self.database) as sor:
await sor.U(self.table, ns)
return self.message('date modified')
async def build_edit_data_form(self) ->dict:
build modify data form dic client application needed to
constructs a modify data form widget
fields = await self.get_fields()
ns = await self._env('request2ns')()
db = DBPools()
async with db.sqlorContext(self.database) as sor:
info = await sor.I(self.table)
primary = info['summary'][0]['primary']
ns1 = {k:v for k, v in ns.items() if k in primary}
d = await sor.R(self.table, ns1)
if len(d) > 0:
for f in fields:
f['value'] = d[0][f['name']]
opts = {
d = {
"target":'root.' + self.cmdid(''),
d = self.replace_crud_binds(d, 'edit')
return d
async def build_delete_data(self) -> dict:
ns = await self._env('request2ns')()
db = DBPools()
async with db.sqlorContext(self.database) as sor:
await sor.D(self.table, ns)
return self.message('data deleted')
async def build_filter_form(self) -> dict:
build filter form dic client application needed
to construct filter form widget
table_fields = await self.get_fields()
name_fields = {i['name']:i for i in table_fields }
tf_names = name_fields.keys()
filters = self.crud_dic['actions']['filter'].get('filters', None)
alter_fields = self.crud_dic['actions']['filter'].get('alter_fields', [])
dbf = DBFilter(filters)
variables = dbf.get_variables()
fields = []
for v, f in variables.items():
field = name_fields[f]
field['name'] = v
for af in alter_fields:
for f in fields:
if f['name'] == af['name']:
opts = {
d = {
"target":'root.' + self.cmdid('browser'),
"target":'root.' + self.cmdid(''),
d = self.replace_crud_binds(d, 'filter')
return d
def _env(self, fname):
return self.processor.run_ns.get(fname, None)
def user_params_path(self, user):
request = self._env('request')
fname = request.path.split('/')[-1]
fparts = fname.split('.')
fparts.insert(-1, user)
path = f'{fname}.{user}'
fnames = request.path.split('/')
fnames[-1] = path
path = '/'.join(fnames)
return path
def save_default_params(self, ns):
user = self._env('user')
if not user:
path = self.user_params_path(user)
url = self._env('entire_url')(path)
path = self.processor.resource.url2file(url)
print('realpath=', path)
with codecs.open(path, 'w', 'utf-8') as f:
async def get_default_params(self, user):
path = self.user_params_path(user)
url = self._env('entire_url')(path)
path = self.processor.resource.url2file(url)
print('realpath=', path, 'url=', url)
with codecs.open(path, 'r', 'utf-8') as f:
dic = json.load(f)
return dic
except Exception as e:
print('get_default_params():', e)
return {}
async def build_browser_data(self):
ns = await self._env('request2ns')()
filters = self.crud_dic['actions']['filter'].get('filters',None)
async with self.db.sqlorContext(self.database) as sor:
r = await sor.R(self.table, ns, filters=filters)
d = [ i.to_dict() for i in r['rows'] ]
r['rows'] = d
return r
async def build_browser(self) -> dict:
build data browser dic client application needed to
constructs a browser widget
entire_url = self._env('entire_url')
crud_id = self.crud_dic.get('crud_id','')
table_fields = await self.get_fields()
actions = self.crud_dic.get('actions')
exclude_fields = actions['browser'].get('exclude_fields', [])
extend_fields = actions['browser'].get('extend_fields', [])
fields = [ f for f in table_fields if f['name'] not in exclude_fields ]
fields += extend_fields
if actions['browser'].get('checkbox'):
checkbox = {
fields.insert(0, checkbox)
user = self._env('user')
params = {}
dic = {}
if user:
dic = await self.get_default_params(user)
if dic == {}:
dic = await self.get_default_params('default')
ns = await self._env('request2ns')()
if ns != {}:
d = {
d = self.replace_crud_binds(d, 'browser')
print('browser():return d=', d)
return d
def replace_crud_binds(self, dic, cmd):
binds = self.crud_dic['actions'][cmd].get('binds')
if binds:
dic['binds'] = binds
return dic
def error(self, errmsg, title=None):
return {
def message(self, msg, title=None):
return {
class CRUDProcessor(TemplateProcessor):
accept json data from frontend with such attributes:
def isMe(self, name):
return name == 'crud'
async def path_call(self, request, params={}):
txt = await super(CRUDProcessor, self).path_call(request, params=params)
dic = json.loads(txt)
database = dic['database']
table = dic['table']
crud = CRUDEngine(self, dic)
return await crud.render()
async def datahandle(self, request):
self.content = await self.path_call(request)