# zmq_topic zmq_topic implements a topic message machine, it need a TopicServer with created using a server address, publish_port and subscrible_port, and one or more publisher with can publish topiced message and one or more topic message subscriber which comsumes topiced message. If the server gone, subscriber will not received message, and when the server restart, subscriber will received message again, but the message will miss send by publisher when the server is down. ## Usage examples topic server ``` from appPublic.zmq_topic import TopicServer x = TopicServer(address='', pub_port=5678, sub_port=5679) ``` publisher ``` import time from appPublic.zmq_topic import TopicPublisher def test_publish(topic): p = TopicPublisher(topic=topic, address='', port=5678) cnt = 1 while True: p.send(f'message {cnt}') time.sleep(1) cnt += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: print(f'Usage:\n{sys.argv[0]} topic') sys.exit(1) test_publish(sys.argv[1]) ``` subscriber ``` from appPublic.zmq_topic import TopicSubscriber def test_subscribe(topic): def print_message(msg): print(msg) s = TopicSubscriber(topic=topic, address='', port=5679, callback=print_message) s.run() if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: print(f'Usage:\n{sys.argv[0]} topic') sys.exit(1) test_subscribe(sys.argv[1]) ``` ## TopicServer ## ConfiguredTopicServer ## TopicPublisher ## ConfiguredTopicPublisher ## TopicSubscribler ## ConfiguredTopicSubscribler