import sys import zmq import time from zmq import Context from appPublic.jsonConfig import getConfig class TopicServer: def __init__(self, address='', pub_port='5566', sub_port='5567'): # get ZeroMQ version print("Current libzmq version is %s" % zmq.zmq_version()) print("Current pyzmq version is %s" % zmq.pyzmq_version()) self.context = Context.instance() # 2 sockets, because we can only bind once to a socket (as opposed to connect) self.pub_port = "tcp://{}:{}".format(address, pub_port) self.sub_port = "tcp://{}:{}".format(address, sub_port) self.xpub_xsub_proxy() # N publishers to 1 sub; proxy 1 sub to 1 pub; publish to M subscribers def xpub_xsub_proxy(self): print("Init proxy") # Socket subscribing to publishers frontend_pubs = self.context.socket(zmq.XSUB) frontend_pubs.bind(self.pub_port) # Socket publishing to subscribers backend_subs = self.context.socket(zmq.XPUB) backend_subs.bind(self.sub_port) print("Try: Proxy... CONNECT!") zmq.proxy(frontend_pubs, backend_subs) print("CONNECT successful!") """ while True: time.sleep(1) """ class ConfiguredTopicServer(TopicServer): """ in config file has a topicserver key { "topicserver":{ "address":"", "pub_port":1234, "sub_server":1235 } } """ def __init__(self): config = getConfig() params = config.topicserver if not params: raise MissTopicServerConfig super(ConfiguredTopicServer, self).__init__(**params) class TopicPublisher: def __init__(self, topic='en', address='', port='5566'): # get ZeroMQ version print("Current libzmq version is %s" % zmq.zmq_version()) print("Current pyzmq version is %s" % zmq.pyzmq_version()) self.topic = topic self._topic = topic.encode('utf-8') self.context = Context.instance() self.url = "tcp://{}:{}".format(address, port) = self.context.socket(zmq.PUB) time.sleep(0.5) def send(self, message):[self._topic, message.encode('utf-8')]) class ConfiguredTopicPublisher(TopicPublisher): def __init__(self, topic=''): config = getConfig() params = config.topicserver if not params: raise MissTopicServerConfig super(ConfiguredTopicPublisher, self).__init__(topic=topic, address = params.address, port=params.pub_port) class TopicSubscriber: def __init__(self, topic='', address='', port='5567', callback=None): # get ZeroMQ version print("Current libzmq version is %s" % zmq.zmq_version()) print("Current pyzmq version is %s" % zmq.pyzmq_version()) self.callback = callback self.topic = topic self.context = Context.instance() self.url = "tcp://{}:{}".format(address, port) self.sub = self.context.socket(zmq.SUB) self.sub.connect(self.url) # subscribe to topic 'en' or 'jp' if isinstance(self.topic, []): for t in self.topic: self.sub.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, t.encode('utf-8')) else: self.sub.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, self.topic.encode('utf-8')) def run(self): # keep listening to all published message, filtered on topic print("Sub {}: Going to wait for messages!".format(self.topic)) while True: msg_received = self.sub.recv_multipart() print("sub {}: {}".format(self.topic, msg_received)) if self.callback: self.callback(msg_received) class ConfiguredTopicSubscriber(TopicSubscriber): def __init__(self, topic=''): config = getConfig() params = config.topicserver if not params: raise MissTopicServerConfig super(ConfiguredTopicSubscriber, self).__init__(topic=topic, address=params.address, port=params.sub_port)