150 lines
4.1 KiB
150 lines
4.1 KiB
import ujson as json
import json
from appPublic.rsa import RSA
from appPublic.rc4 import RC4
from appPublic.uniqueID import getID
import brotli
import zlib
import struct
class DataEncoder:
security data packing - unpacking object
packs data:
encode data with random key's rc4 crypt algorithm,
encode rc4's key with receiver's public key
sign data with sender's private key
packs data using struct in follows order
0: data format(18 bytes)
1. datatype(c)
2. encoded data(length=len(d))
3. encoded_rc4key(length=len(k))
4. sign(signs from (0+1+2+3) data) (length=len(s))
5. compress data and return compressed dta
return packed data
unpacks data:
0. decompress data
1. get 18 bytes fmt data, erase tails b'0x00'
2. using fmt to unpack data[18:]
3. verify sign
4. decode k
5. decode data usig decoded k with rc4 algorithm
6. convert data type to origin data type
7. return converted data
def __init__(self, myid, func_get_peer_pubkey, private_file=None):
self.myid = myid
self.func_get_peer_pubkey = func_get_peer_pubkey
self.public_keys = {}
self.private_file = private_file
self.rsa = RSA()
self.rc4 = RC4()
if self.private_file:
self.private_key = self.rsa.read_privatekey(self.private_file)
self.private_key = rsa.create_privaatekey()
self.public_key = self.rsa.create_publickey(self.private_key)
def identify_datatype(self, data):
if isinstance(data, bytes):
return DATA_TYPE_BYTES, data
if isinstance(data, str):
return DATA_TYPE_STR, data.encode('utf-8')
data = json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8')
return DATA_TYPE_JSON, data
def my_text_publickey(self):
pk = self.public_key()
return self.rsa.publickeyText(pk)
def exist_peer_publickeys(self, peer_id):
return True if self.public_keys.get(peer_id, False) else False
def set_peer_pubkey(self, peer_id, pubkey):
self.public_keys[peer_id] = pubkey
def get_peer_text_pubkey(self, peer_id):
pk = self.get_peer_pubkey()
txtpk = self.rsa. publickeyText(pk)
return txtpk
def set_peer_text_pubkey(self, peer_id, text_pubkey):
pk = self.rsa.publickeyFromText(text_pubkey)
self.set_peer_pubkey(peer_id, pk)
def get_peer_pubkey(self, peer_id):
pubkey = self.public_keys.get(peer_id)
if not pubkey:
raise Exception('Can not get peer public key(%s)')
pubkey = self.public_keys.get(peer_id)
return pubkey
def pack(self, peer_id, data):
pk = self.get_peer_pubkey(peer_id)
t, d = self.identify_datatype(data)
d, k = self.encode_data(pk, d)
f = 'b%05ds%03ds' % (len(d), len(k))
f1 = f + '256s'
pd1 = struct.pack('18s', f1.encode('utf-8'))
pd2 = struct.pack(f, t, d, k)
pd = pd1 + pd2
s = self.sign_data(pd)
pd += s
self.pack_d = [t,d,k,s]
origin_len = len(pd)
pd = brotli.compress(pd)
pdz = zlib.compress(pd)
print('brotli lenght=%d, zlib length=%d, origin length=%d' % \
(len(pd), len(pdz), origin_len)
return pd
def unpack(self, peer_id, data):
data = brotli.decompress(data)
org_data = data
pk = self.get_peer_pubkey(peer_id)
f = data[:18]
f = f.decode('utf-8')
data = data[18:]
t, d, k, s = struct.unpack(f, data)
self.unpack_d = [t,d,k,s]
data1 = org_data[:org_data.index(s)]
if not self.verify_sign(data1, s, pk):
raise Exception('data sign verify failed')
data = self.decode_data(d, k)
return data
if t == DATA_TYPE_STR:
return data.decode('utf-8')
return json.loads(data)
def encode_data(self, peer_pubkey, data):
key = getID()
if isinstance(key, str):
key = key.encode('utf-8')
ctext = self.rc4.encode_bytes(data, key)
encoded_key = self.rsa.encode_bytes(peer_pubkey, key)
print('key length compare,', len(key), len(encoded_key))
return ctext, encoded_key
def sign_data(self, data):
return self.rsa.sign_bdata(self.private_key, data)
def decode_data(self, data, encoded_key):
key = self.rsa.decode_bytes(self.private_key, encoded_key)
return self.rc4.decode_bytes(data, key)
def verify_sign(self, data, sign, peer_pubkey):
return self.rsa.check_sign_bdata(peer_pubkey, data, sign)