100 lines
3.7 KiB
100 lines
3.7 KiB
from sqlor.dbpools import DBPools
from .const import *
from appPublic.uniqueID import getID
from appPublic.registerfunction import RegisterFunction
from appPublic.log import debug, exception
from datetime import datetime
async def openAccount(sor, accounting_orgid, orgid, account_config, org1id=None):
ns = {
if org1id:
ns['org1id'] = org1id;
debug(f'openAccount(), {ns=}')
await sor.C('account', ns.copy())
print(ns, 'opened')
async def openPartyAccounts(sor, accounting_orgid, orgid, party_type, org1id=None, party1_type=None):
addon_cond = " and a.party1type is NULL "
ns = {'partytype':party_type}
if party1_type:
addon_cond = " and a.party1type = ${party1type}$ "
ns['party1type'] = party1_type
sql = """select a.*, b.id as subjectid, b.balance_side from account_config a, subject b
where a.subjectname = b.name """
+ addon_cond + """
and a.partytype=${partytype}$ """
recs = await sor.sqlExe(sql, ns)
# print(f'select account_config {recs=}', party_type)
for r in recs:
await openAccount(sor, accounting_orgid, orgid, r, org1id=org1id)
async def _openPartyAccounts(accounting_orgid, orgid, party_type):
db = DBPools()
async with db.sqlorContext(DBNAME()) as sor:
await openPartyAccounts(sor, accounting_orgid, orgid, party_type)
async def openResellerAccounts(sor, accounting_orgid, orgid):
return await _openPartyAccounts(accounting_orgid, orgid, PARTY_RESELLER)
async def openCustomerAccounts(sor, accounting_orgid, orgid):
return await _openPartyAccounts(accounting_orgid, orgid, PARTY_CUSTOMER)
async def openOwnerAccounts(sor, accounting_orgid):
orgid = accounting_orgid
return await _openPartyAccounts(accounting_orgid, orgid, PARTY_OWNER)
async def openProviderAccounts(sor, accounting_orgid, orgid):
return await _openPartyAccounts(accounting_orgid, orgid, PARTY_PROVIDER)
async def openAllCustomerAccounts(sor, accounting_orgid):
rf = RegisterFunction()
f = rf.get('get_customers_by_orgid')
if f is None:
exception(f'get_customers_by_orgid function not registed, {accounting_orgid=}')
raise Exception('get_customers_by_orgid not registed')
recs = await f(sor, accounting_orgid)
for r in recs:
await openCustomerAccounts(sor, accounting_orgid, r['id'])
async def openAllResellerAccounts(sor, accounting_orgid):
rf = RegisterFunction()
f = rf.get('get_resellers_by_orgid')
if f is None:
exception(f'get_resellers_by_orgid function not registed, {accounting_orgid=}')
raise Exception('get_resellers_by_orgid not registed')
recs = await f(sor, accounting_orgid)
for r in recs:
await openResellerAccounts(sor, accounting_orgid, r['id'])
async def openAllProviderAccounts(sor, accounting_orgid):
rf = RegisterFunction()
f = rf.get('get_providers_by_orgid')
if f is None:
exception(f'get_providers_by_orgid function not registed, {accounting_orgid=}')
raise Exception('get_providers_by_orgid not registed')
recs = await f(sor, accounting_orgid)
for r in recs:
await openProviderAccounts(sor, accounting_orgid, r['id'])
async def openRetailRelationshipAccounts(sor, accounting_orgid, providerid, resellerid):
db = DBPools()
async with db.sqlorContext(DBNAME()) as sor:
await openPartyAccounts(sor, accounting_orgid, providerid, PARTY_PROVIDER,
await openPartyAccounts(sor, accounting_orgid, resellerid, PARTY_RESELLER,