# xls2ddl a tool to create related database schema from xlsx file there is a xlsx template file called "model.xlst" in this repo ## How to use it 1 double click "model.xlst" 2 in "sammary" datasheet, wirte the table name, table label, primary key 3 in "fields" datasheet, create all the field in the table 4 in "validation" datashhet identifies the index first column is index name second column choose the "idx" thrid column for duplicatable index use "index:f1,f2 ..." or "unique:f1, f2, ..." for unique index 5 save it with the tablenme as xlsx file's name 6 repeat 1 to 5 for all the table. 7 translates all xlsx file to ddl sql using in the folder hold all the xlsx file for mysql ``` python path/to/xls2ddl.py mysql . ``` for sqlite3 ``` python path/to/xls2ddl.py sqlite3 . ``` for oracle ``` python path/to/xls2ddl.py oracle . ``` for postgresql ``` python path/to/xls2ddl.py postgresql . ``` for sqlserver ``` python path/to/xls2ddl.py sqlserver . ```