
218 lines
5.3 KiB

import os
import re
import json
import codecs
from aiohttp.web_request import Request
from aiohttp.web_response import Response, StreamResponse
from jinja2 import Template,Environment,BaseLoader
from appPublic.jsonConfig import getConfig
from appPublic.dictObject import DictObject
from appPublic.folderUtils import listFile
from .utils import unicode_escape
from .serverenv import ServerEnv
class ObjectCache:
def __init__(self):
self.cache = {}
def store(self,path,obj):
o = self.cache.get(path,None)
if o is not None:
del o.cached_obj
o = DictObject()
o.cached_obj = obj
o.mtime = os.path.getmtime(path)
self.cache[path] = o
def get(self,path):
o = self.cache.get(path)
if o:
if os.path.getmtime(path) > o.mtime:
return None
return o.cached_obj
return None
class BaseProcessor:
def isMe(self,name):
return name=='base'
def __init__(self,path,resource):
self.path = path
self.resource = resource
self.retResponse = None
# self.last_modified = os.path.getmtime(path)
# self.content_length = os.path.getsize(path)
self.headers = {
'Content-Type': 'text/html; utf-8',
'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes'
self.content = ''
async def execute(self,request):
g = ServerEnv()
self.run_ns = {}
self.run_ns['request'] = request
self.run_ns['params_kw'] = await self.run_ns['request2ns']()
self.run_ns['ref_real_path'] = self.path
await self.datahandle(request)
return self.content
async def handle(self,request):
await self.execute(request)
if self.retResponse is not None:
return self.retResponse
elif type(self.content) == type({}) :
self.content = json.dumps(self.content,
elif isinstance(self.content,DictObject):
mydict = self.content.to_dict()
self.content = json.dumps(mydict, indent=4)
elif type(self.content) == type([]):
self.content = json.dumps(self.content,
self.content = unicode_escape(self.content)
return Response(text=self.content,headers=self.headers)
async def datahandle(self,request):
def setheaders(self):
self.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(self.content))
class TemplateProcessor(BaseProcessor):
def isMe(self,name):
return name=='tmpl'
async def datahandle(self,request):
path = request.path
ns = self.run_ns
te = self.run_ns['tmpl_engine']
self.content = te.render(path,**ns)
def setheaders(self):
if self.path.endswith('.tmpl.css'):
self.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/css; utf-8'
elif self.path.endswith('.tmpl.js'):
self.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/javascript ; utf-8'
self.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; utf-8'
class JSUIProcessor(TemplateProcessor):
def isMe(self,name):
return name=='jsui'
async def path_call(self, request, path):
ns = self.run_ns
te = self.run_ns['tmpl_engine']
return te.render(path,**ns)
async def datahandle(self, request):
params = await self.resource.y_env['request2ns']()
if params.get('_jsui',None):
content0 = await self.path_call(request,'/header.tmpl')
content1 = await self.path_call(request,self.path)
content2 = await self.path_call(request,'/footer.tmpl')
self.content = '%s%s%s' % (content0,content1,content2)
class PythonScriptProcessor(BaseProcessor):
def isMe(self,name):
return name=='dspy'
def loadScript(self, path):
data = ''
with codecs.open(path,'rb','utf-8') as f:
data = f.read()
b= ''.join(data.split('\r'))
lines = b.split('\n')
lines = ['\t' + l for l in lines ]
txt = "async def myfunc(request,**ns):\n" + '\n'.join(lines)
return txt
async def path_call(self, request, path):
g = ServerEnv()
lenv = self.run_ns
del lenv['request']
txt = self.loadScript(path)
func = lenv['myfunc']
return await func(request,**lenv)
async def datahandle(self,request):
self.content = await self.path_call(request, self.path)
class MarkdownProcessor(BaseProcessor):
def isMe(self,name):
return name=='md'
async def datahandle(self,request:Request):
data = ''
with codecs.open(self.path,'rb','utf-8') as f:
data = f.read()
b = data
b = self.urlreplace(b,request)
ret = {
config = getConfig()
self.content = json.dumps(ret,indent=4)
def urlreplace(self,mdtxt,request):
def replaceURL(s):
p1 = '\[.*?\]\((.*?)\)'
url = re.findall(p1,s)[0]
txts = s.split(url)
url = self.resource.absUrl(request,url)
return url.join(txts)
p = '\[.*?\]\(.*?\)'
textarray = re.split(p,mdtxt)
links = re.findall(p,mdtxt)
newlinks = [ replaceURL(link) for link in links]
if len(links)>0:
mdtxt = ''
for i in range(len(newlinks)):
mdtxt = mdtxt + textarray[i]
mdtxt = mdtxt + newlinks[i]
mdtxt = mdtxt + textarray[i+1]
return mdtxt
def getProcessor(name):
return _getProcessor(BaseProcessor,name)
def _getProcessor(kclass,name):
for k in kclass.__subclasses__():
if not hasattr(k,'isMe'):
if k.isMe(name):
return k
a = _getProcessor(k,name)
if a is not None:
return a
return None