2023-10-26 11:50:18 +08:00

151 lines
4.7 KiB
Executable File

import time
import uuid
from aiohttp_auth import auth
from aiohttp_auth.auth.ticket_auth import TktAuthentication
from aiohttp_session.redis_storage import RedisStorage
from os import urandom
from aiohttp import web
import aiohttp_session
import aioredis
import base64
import binascii
from aiohttp_session import get_session, session_middleware, Session
from aiohttp_session.cookie_storage import EncryptedCookieStorage
from aiohttp_session.redis_storage import RedisStorage
from appPublic.jsonConfig import getConfig
from appPublic.rsawrap import RSA
from appPublic.app_logger import AppLogger
def get_client_ip(obj, request):
ip = request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-For')
if not ip:
ip = request.remote
request['client_ip'] = ip
return ip
class MyRedisStorage(RedisStorage):
def key_gen(self, request):
uuid = request.headers.get('client_uuid')
if not uuid:
return uuid.uuid4().hex
b = uuid.encode('utf-8')
return binascii.hexlify(b)
async def save_session(self, request: web.Request,
response: web.StreamResponse,
session: Session) -> None:
key = session.identity
if key is None:
key = self.key_gen(request)
self.save_cookie(response, key, max_age=session.max_age)
if session.empty:
self.save_cookie(response, "", max_age=session.max_age)
key = str(key)
self.save_cookie(response, key, max_age=session.max_age)
data_str = self._encoder(self._get_session_data(session))
await self._redis.set(
self.cookie_name + "_" + key,
class AuthAPI(AppLogger):
def __init__(self):
self.conf = getConfig()
async def checkUserPermission(self, user, path):
print('************* checkUserPermission() use default one ****************')
return True
def getPrivateKey(self):
if not hasattr(self,'rsaEngine'):
self.rsaEngine = RSA()
fname = self.conf.website.rsakey.privatekey
self.privatekey = self.rsaEngine.read_privatekey(fname)
return self.privatekey
def rsaDecode(self,cdata):
return self.rsaEngine.decode(self.privatekey,cdata)
async def setupAuth(self,app):
# setup session middleware in aiohttp fashion
secret = b'iqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm12345'
if self.conf.website.cookie_secret:
secret = self.conf.website.cookie_secret.encode('utf-8')
storage = EncryptedCookieStorage(secret)
if self.conf.website.session_redis:
url = self.conf.website.session_redis.url
# redis = await aioredis.from_url("redis://")
redis = await aioredis.from_url(url)
storage = MyRedisStorage(redis)
aiohttp_session.setup(app, storage)
# Create an auth ticket mechanism that expires after 1 minute (60
# seconds), and has a randomly generated secret. Also includes the
# optional inclusion of the users IP address in the hash
session_max_time = 120
session_reissue_time = 30
if self.conf.website.session_max_time:
session_max_time = self.conf.website.session_max_time
if self.conf.website.session_reissue_time:
session_reissue_time = self.conf.website.session_reissue_time
def _new_ticket(self, request, user_id):
client_uuid = request.headers.get('client_uuid')
ip = self._get_ip(request)
valid_until = int(time.time()) + self._max_age
print(f'hack: my _new_ticket() called ...remote {ip=}, {client_uuid=}')
return self._ticket.new(user_id,
TktAuthentication._get_ip = get_client_ip
TktAuthentication._new_ticket = _new_ticket
policy = auth.SessionTktAuthentication(secret,
# setup aiohttp_auth.auth middleware in aiohttp fashion
# print('policy = ', policy)
auth.setup(app, policy)
async def checkAuth(self,request,handler):
self.info(f'checkAuth() called ...{request.path}')
t1 = time.time()
path = request.path
user = await auth.get_auth(request)
is_ok = await self.checkUserPermission(user, path)
t2 = time.time()
ip = get_client_ip(None, request)
if is_ok:
ret = await handler(request)
t3 = time.time()
self.info(f'timecost=client({ip}) {user} access {path} cost {t3-t1}, ({t2-t1})')
return ret
except Exception as e:
t3 = time.time()
self.info(f'timecost=client({ip}) {user} access {path} cost {t3-t1}, ({t2-t1}), except={e}')
raise e
if user is None:
self.info(f'timecost=client({ip}) {user} access need login to access {path} ({t2-t1})')
raise web.HTTPUnauthorized
self.info(f'timecost=client({ip}) {user} access {path} forbidden ({t2-t1})')
raise web.HTTPForbidden()
async def needAuth(self,path):
return False